Juan Martha
La Arrolladora Banda El LimonLyrics
Decian que cargaba el diablo
They said he carried the devil
Mentiras no traia nada
Lies, he carried nothing
Lo que traiba en su cintura
What he carried on his waist
Era una pistola escuadra
Was a square-barreled pistol
Robaba y mataba gente
He stole and killed people
Porque asi se divertia
Because that's how he had fun
Su cabeza tenia precio
His head had a price
15 000 Pesos valia
It was worth 15,000 pesos
Juan martha era aguerrido
Juan Martha was tough
Y temido del gobierno
And feared by the government
Los rurales le temian
The rural police feared him
Como si fuera veneno
As if he were poison
Su madrecita lloraba
His dear mother cried
Lloraba y se lo decia
She cried and told him
Si me dieran libre a mi hijo
If they would set my son free
15000 Pesos daria
I would give 15,000 pesos
Ya no llores madrecita
Don't cry anymore, dear mother
Ya no les ofrescas nada
Don't offer them anything
Que llegando a aquel cerrito
When you reach that little hill
Yo me rìo de la acordada
I'll laugh at the authorities
Ya no llores madrecita
Don't cry anymore, dear mother
No me estes atormentando
Don't torment me
Que de 100 vidas que debo
Of the 100 lives I owe
Con una la estoy pagando
With one, I am paying
Esta noche con la luna
Tonight with the moon
Y mañana con el sol
And tomorrow with the sun
Me van a quitar la vida
They will take my life
Sea por el amor de dios
Whether for the love of God
Ya con esta me despido
Now with this, I bid farewell
Pero les dejo una carta
But I leave you a letter
Para que sigan cantando
So you keep singing
El corrido de juan martha
The corrido of Juan Martha