Uoh Pa Pa Pa

Los Piojos
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Acá afuera soy yo otra vez

Here outside, it's me again

Cómo estás si querés me abrís

How are you? If you want, you can open up

Cómo verás estoy bien ya lo sé

As you can see, I'm fine, I know it

Eran mentiras que hablaron de mí.

They were lies that they spoke about me

Algunos de esos con bosta en los sesos

Some of them with dung in their brains

Que dicen gilada, y pa'qué confirmar

They talk nonsense, and why confirm?

Manejos más turbios si sos del suburbio

Darker dealings if you're from the suburbs

Y no tenés palanca y no hay amistad.

And you don't have connections, and there's no friendship

Son como tres, son como seis

They're like three, they're like six

Hablan pavadas nomás

They talk nonsense only

Son como diez, son como cien

They're like ten, they're like a hundred

Los que ya vimos pasar.

The ones we've already seen pass by

Critican tu arte y son de ninguna parte

They criticize your art and are from nowhere

Cambian dinero por sensibilidad

They exchange money for sensitivity

Miles de almas en un ritual sin calma

Thousands of souls in a restless ritual

Y el comentario es que una chica su pie se torció.

And the comment is that a girl twisted her foot

Creen ser dueños de tu imagen, tu sueño

They believe they own your image, your dream

Tu fracaso, tu éxito, creen ser dios

Your failure, your success, they think they're gods

Son suplemento de una máquina de vento

They're a supplement to a wind machine

Rasguñando superficies pop.

Scratching pop surfaces

Son como tres, son como seis... (2 veces)

They're like three, they're like six... (2 times)

Uoh pa pa pa

Uoh pa pa pa

Uoh pa pa pa

Uoh pa pa pa

No pueden entender

They can't understand

Tienen duros los pies (2 veces)

Their feet are hard (2 times)

No pueden entender

They can't understand

Masticando su hiel

Chewing on their bitterness

Uoh pa pa pa

Uoh pa pa pa

Uoh pa pa uoh pa pa uoh pa pa

Uoh pa pa uoh pa pa uoh pa pa

Y quieren escribir

And they want to write

Y no! no lo pueden sentir.

No! They can't feel it.

Moderated by Jorge Soto
Lima, Perú December 27, 2024
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