Un Instante Antes
Jorge DrexlerLyrics
Me hiciste señales que debí entender
You gave me signals that I should have understood
Como aquel gesto nuevo de arreglarte el pelo
Like that new gesture of fixing your hair
Miraste como quien mira llover
You looked like someone watching the rain
Un instante antes de levantar vuelo
An instant before taking flight
Volviste a tu cauce de estrella fugaz
You returned to your course, a shooting star
Con tu punto de fuga en el cielo
With your vanishing point in the sky
Creo que ya estabas flotando quizás
I think you were already floating, perhaps
Un instante antes de levantar vuelo
An instant before taking flight
Ya te mojabas en otro deshielo
You were already getting wet in another thaw
Un instante antes de levantar vuelo
An instant before taking flight
Ni todas las líneas del Ecuador
Not all the lines of the Equator
Ni el temor y sus muchos anzuelos
Nor the fear and its many hooks
Todo argumento perdía valor
Every argument lost its value
Un instante antes de levantar vuelo
An instant before taking flight
El río cambia y cambia la sed
The river changes, and the thirst changes
Lo habías leído en tu anhelo
You had read it in your longing
Estaba ya escrito mucho antes de
It was already written long before
El instante antes de levantar vuelo
The instant before taking flight
Ya me mirabas desde otro cielo
You were already looking at me from another sky
Un instante antes de levantar vuelo
An instant before taking flight