Chicanita De Aztlan
Los LobosLyrics
Yo soy pura chicanita
I am a pure little Chicana
Soy de esta linda nacion
I am from this beautiful nation
Me llamo la Ramoncita
My name is Ramoncita
Ya tengo mi educacion
I already have my education
Aduve en el movimiento
I participated in the movement
Con mi querido papa
With my dear father
Y en mi triste pensamiento
And in my sad thoughts
Mi padre siempre estara
My father will always be
Con mi padre tui a las juntas
With my father, I went to the meetings
Con mi padre yo aprendi
With my father, I learned
Hacer bastantes preguntas
To ask many questions
Para saber yo de mi
To know about myself
Yo soy de raza morena
I am of brown race
Soy de esta tierra de Aztlan
I am from this land of Aztlan
Y en esta tierra tan buena
And in this land so good
Mis ninos feliz seran
My children will be happy
Que viva Dolores Huerta
Long live Dolores Huerta
Chicana de mi pais
Chicana of my country
Por ella vivo yo alerta
For her, I live alert
Por ella vivo feliz
For her, I live happily
En esas huelgas anduve
I walked in those strikes
Tambien demostre poder
I also showed power
Y al Senor Chavez yo tuve
And with Mr. Chavez, I had
El honor de conocer
The honor of knowing
Yo soy pura chicanita
I am a pure little Chicana
Soy de esta linda nacion
I am from this beautiful nation
Me llamo la Ramoncita
My name is Ramoncita
Viva la revolucion!
Long live the revolution!