Fil de Llum

Andreu Rife
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Quan sento que tot s'ha acabat

When I feel that everything is over

Que no sé aixecar el cap

That I can't lift my head

Que no tinc forces per continuar cap endavant

That I don't have the strength to continue forward

Quan sento que m'he fet petit

When I feel that I've become small

Que ja no crec en mi

That I no longer believe in myself

Que el món continuaria igual si jo no fos aquí

That the world would go on the same if I weren't here

Llavors m'esforço a recordar

Then I make an effort to remember

La teva cara al meu davant

Your face in front of me

La meva orella escoltant

My ear listening

La teva veu, baixet parlant

Your voice, softly speaking

Dient que guanyar-me el destí

Saying that winning my destiny

Només dependria de mi

Depended only on me

I vaig prometre pendre el repte

And I promised to take on the challenge

A partir d'aquell instant

From that moment on

Respira, espera, aixeca't sense pressa

Breathe, wait, get up without hurry

Inspira, refesta, la vida al món t'espera

Inhale, recover, life in the world awaits you

Respira, espera, aixeca't sense pressa

Breathe, wait, get up without hurry

Inspira, refesta, la vida al món t'espera

Inhale, recover, life in the world awaits you

Quan sento que res té sentit

When I feel that nothing makes sense

Que el món està girat

That the world is upside down

Que no sé com posar un peu a terra I recomençar

That I don't know how to put a foot on the ground and start again

Quan sento que no queda res

When I feel that there's nothing left

Pel que sempre he lluitat

For what I've always fought for

I cau cada desig que m'ajudava a avançar

And every desire that helped me move forward falls

Torno altre cop a recordar

I go back again to remember

La teva cara al meu davant

Your face in front of me

La meva orella escoltant

My ear listening

La teva veu baixet parlant

Your voice softly speaking

Dient que guanyar-me el destí

Saying that winning my destiny

Només dependria de mi

Depended only on me

I vaig prometre pendre el repte

And I promised to take on the challenge

A partir d'aquell instant

From that moment on

Respira, espera, aixeca't sense pressa

Breathe, wait, get up without hurry

Inspira, refesta, la vida al món t'espera

Inhale, recover, life in the world awaits you

Respira, espera, aixeca't sense pressa

Breathe, wait, get up without hurry

Inspira, refesta, la vida al món t'espera

Inhale, recover, life in the world awaits you

Moderated by Javier Sánchez
Bogotá, Colombia December 16, 2024
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