Corrido de Pancho Villa

Los Cadetes de Linares
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Hoy nuestro mexico febrero 23

Today our Mexico, February 23

Nos mando wilson 6 mil americanos

Wilson sent us 6 thousand Americans

3 mil caballos 200 aeroplanos

3 thousand horses, 200 airplanes

Buscando a villa por todo el pais

Searching for Villa throughout the country

Y comenzaron a salir expediciones

And expeditions began to emerge

Los aeroplanos comenzaron a volar

The airplanes began to fly

Por distintas y varias direcciones

In different and various directions

Buscando a villa queriendolo tronar

Searching for Villa, wanting to capture him

Francisco villa por todos los caminos

Francisco Villa on all the roads

Ponia una tumba disiendo aqui esta ya

He would place a tomb, saying here he is now

El valiente el valiente pancho villa

The brave one, the brave one, Pancho Villa

Por eso nunca lo podian encontrar

That's why they could never find him

Que pensarian ay los americanos

What would the Americans think

Que nuestro suelo pretenden conquistar

That they intend to conquer our land

Si ellos tienen muchisimos cañones

If they have many cannons

Los mexicanos tienen lo principal

The Mexicans have the main thing

Cuando llegaron los vecinos a chiuahua

When the neighbors arrived in Chihuahua

Y en las afueras del pueblo de parral

And on the outskirts of the town of Parral

Pancho villa les puso una emboscada

Pancho Villa set up an ambush for them

En que ninguno se pudo escapar

From which none could escape

Se los llevaron al desierto de chiuahua

They took them to the Chihuahua desert

En las afueras del pueblo de parral

On the outskirts of the town of Parral

Pancho villa les puso una emboscada

Pancho Villa set up an ambush for them

En que ninguno se pudo escapar

From which none could escape

Que pensarian ay los americanos

What would the Americans think

Que combatir era un baile de karki

That combat was a karke dance

Con la cara cubierta de verguenza

With faces covered in shame

Que tubieron que volver a su pais

That they had to return to their country

Yo soy nacido el la sierra de chiuahua

I was born in the Chihuahua mountains

Soy el salodado mas fiel del batallon

I am the most loyal soldier of the battalion

Viva villa que vivan sus dorados

Long live Villa, long live his golden ones

Y que viva la revolucion

And long live the revolution

Moderated by Carlos García
Lima, Perú July 26, 2024
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