Chito Cano
Los Cadetes de LinaresLyrics
El mes de octubre corria
The month of October was running
Al despuntar nuevo dia
As the new day was breaking
Hirieron a chito cano
Chito Cano was wounded
No se sabe quien seria
We don't know who it might be
Que bonitos son los hombres
How beautiful men are
No se les puede negar
One cannot deny them
Aun despues de caido
Even after falling
Tuvo la fuerza de hablar
He had the strength to speak
No corran no sean cobardes
Don't run, don't be cowards
Acabenme de matar
Finish killing me
Con un balazo en la espalda
With a shot in the back
El todavia se reia
He still laughed
No los creia tan cobardes
He didn't believe them so cowardly
Hampones o policias
Criminals or police
Me pegaron por la espalda
They hit me from behind
De frente no se podia
From the front, it couldn't be done
Se presento chon garcia
Chon Garcia showed up
A hablar con la judicial
To talk to the authorities
Para que maten a chito
So that they kill Chito
Trabajo les ha de dar
It must give them work
Nomas salganle al camino
Just come to his path
Sombreros han de sobrar
Hats must be abundant
De reynosa a matamoros
From Reynosa to Matamoros
De monterrey a laredo
From Monterrey to Laredo
Anden con mucho cuidado
Walk with great care
Agentes y pistoleros
Agents and gunmen
Todavia soy chito cano
I am still Chito Cano
Y todavia no me muero
And I still haven't died
Ya con esta me despido
Now with this, I say goodbye
Sin agravio ni rencores
Without resentment or grudges
Lo que se presta se paga
What is borrowed is repaid
Tengan presente senores
Keep in mind, gentlemen
Si al cielo avientas la daga
If you throw the dagger to the sky
Va en busca de los traidores
It goes in search of the traitors