Lejos del mar de Rosas

Saurom Lamderth
Report Submitted!



Mi ser ciega los ojos

My being blinds the eyes

es juez de mi letargo....dentro del mar

it's the judge of my lethargy....within the sea

sutil gama de tonos

subtle range of tones

que impregnan mi inocencia....rosas de cal

that imbue my innocence....roses of lime

cauce del pantano niega mis versos de arena

the riverbed of the swamp denies my verses of sand

desvela aquel arte y crea

unveils that art and creates

cutiva sonrisas en este oasis de pena

captivating smiles in this oasis of sorrow

eres dueño de su rivera

you are the owner of its shore

suelo salir y respirar

I often go out and breathe

por este mar que es paisaje vida y felicidad...

through this sea that is landscape, life, and happiness...

suelo jugar inconciente en el umbral...

I often play unaware at the threshold...

distinta luz siento aveces hoy segun mi cruz...

I feel a different light sometimes today according to my cross...

el sendero que me guia lejos del mar,

the path that guides me far from the sea,

lejos del mar...

far from the sea...

de rosas...se ahoga

of roses...it drowns

recuerdos incesantes

incessant memories

perennes de emociones.....¿donde van?

lasting emotions...where do they go?

balanza de la muerte

balance of death

mi ego se hace fuerte...crece mas

my ego grows stronger...grows larger

puentes que me llevan del instinto a la razon

bridges that lead me from instinct to reason

se rigen alderedor...

they are governed around...

rios en mi entraña sobre escombros de cristal

rivers within me over shards of glass

con rumbo al olvido al mas alla...

heading towards forgetfulness, to the beyond...

suelo pensar y meditar

I often think and contemplate

sobre el camino de espinos que una estrella

about the path of thorns that a star

me ayude a cruzar

may help me cross

suelo llorar sin derramar

I often cry without shedding

lagrimas negras por ella en el lecho de mi soledad

black tears for her in the bed of my solitude

el sendero que me guia lejos del mar,

the path that guides me far from the sea,

lejos del mar...

far from the sea...

de rosas...se ahoga

of roses...it drowns

Moderated by Paula Torres
San José, Costa Rica August 1, 2024
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