Ramiro Sierra

La Arrolladora Banda El Limon
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La nieve estaba cayendo

The snow was falling

Los pinos se congelaban

The pines were freezing

En el risco del madroño

On the cliff of the medlar tree

Unas armas apuntaban

Some guns were aiming

Solo las plumas de nieve

Only the snow feathers

Aquellas miras nublaban

Those sights were clouding

Se oye rugir un novillo

A bull roars is heard

Que venía con la manada

Coming with the herd

Y los cascos del caballo

And the hooves of the horse

Del señor que las arreaba

Of the man who was driving them

Ramiro dejó la bestia

Ramiro left the beast

Mientras el risco rodeaba

While he surrounded the cliff

El caballo era un criollito

The horse was a little creole

Pero muy bien arrendado

But very well leased

Por eso sin su jinete

So without its rider

Supo él arrear el ganado

He knew how to drive the cattle

Ramiro estaba orgulloso

Ramiro was proud

De su retinto Dosalvo

Of his dark bay, Dosalvo

Les dijo Ramiro Sierra

Ramiro Sierra told them

Aquí no se engaña a nadie

Here, no one deceives anyone

Yo solo vine a cobrarles

I only came to collect

La muerte de mi compadre

The death of my compadre

Y a recoger el ganado

And to gather the cattle

Que le robaron cobardes

That were stolen by cowards

Eran seiscientos novillos

There were six hundred bulls

También ganado lechero

Also dairy cattle

Por eso lo codiciaban

That's why they coveted

Esos malditos cuatreros

Those damn rustlers

Más no sabían que Ramiro

But they didn't know that Ramiro

Les iba a rajar el cuero

Was going to split their hides

Calibre dos veintitrés

Caliber two twenty-three

Qué bonito cacareabas

How nicely you used to crow

Se confundían los quejidos

The moans were confused

Con el mugir de las vacas

With the mooing of the cows

Y los cejos de la sierra

And the brows of the mountain range

Esta balada grababan

This ballad recorded

Adiós retinto Dosalvo

Goodbye dark bay Dosalvo

Siempre serás el primero

You will always be the first

Ya murió don Pablo Chávez

Don Pablo Chávez has died

Aquel rico ganadero

That rich cattle rancher

Ojalá que haya en el cielo

I hope in heaven

Siga cerrando becerros

He continues to brand calves

Moderated by Elena Rodríguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina July 29, 2024
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