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Hay muchas de ofrecerte de ofrenda

There are many to offer you as an offering

y muchas mas de ver tu bendicion

And many more to see your blessing

pero la quiero darte en este momento

But I want to give it to you in this moment

es ofrenda que sale del corazon

It's an offering that comes from the heart

No quiero darte una que no me cueste

I don't want to give you one that doesn't cost me

sino la que en sacrificio e de ofrecer

But the one that in sacrifice I offer

recibela señor hoy te la brindo

Receive it, Lord, today I offer it to you

permite que sea agradable ante tus pies

Allow it to be pleasing before your feet

Y abriras las ventanas de los cielos

And you will open the windows of heaven

y derramaras bendicion

And you will pour out blessings

hasta que sobreabunde

Until it overflows

bienaventurada soy

I am blessed

Mi ofrenda llevare a tu presencia

I will bring my offering to your presence

envuelta en aroma de piedad

Wrapped in the aroma of piety

sacrificio de justicia y alabanzas

Sacrifice of justice and praises

adornaran tu trono de bondad

Will adorn your throne of goodness

Como la viuda que dio lo que tenia

Like the widow who gave all she had

asi quiero entregarte mi corazon

That's how I want to give you my heart

mi ofrenda es voluntaria

My offering is voluntary

y la presento ante tu altar

And I present it before your altar

que de mis labios nace y la quiero cantar

It comes from my lips, and I want to sing it

Y abriras.....

And you will open...

Moderated by Paula Torres
San José, Costa Rica December 12, 2024
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