Que se me olvidó
Jenni RiveraLyrics
Me dijiste que en tu vida
You told me that in your life
yo habia sido una locura
I had been a madness
y que tu me olvidarias con la mano en la cintura
and that you would forget me with your hand on your waist
que mejor haga de cuenta que aqui no a pasado nada
that I better pretend that nothing happened here
y que no te dirijiera
and that I shouldn't address you
y que no te dirijiera
and that I shouldn't address you
nisiquiera la mirada
not even with a glance
y que paso
and what happened
pues que se te olvido
well, you forgot
apoco ya volviste
have you already returned?
no te cumplio
it didn't fulfill you
lo que te prometio
what it promised you
esa con quien te fuiste
the one with whom you left
como dijiste que yo no valia nada
like you said that I was worth nothing
es por eso que me extraña
that's why it surprises me
mirarte llegar muy triste
to see you arrive very sad
Se que has llorado
I know you've cried
tu lugar a mi lado
your place by my side
lo tenia separado
I had it reserved
pero ya te lo perdiste
but you already missed it