Muy A Tu Manera

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Que vas a marcharte, pues no te detengo

That you're going to leave, well, I won't stop you

Al fin que contigo ya ni me entretengo

After all, with you, I don't even entertain myself

Qu me puedes dar que no me hayas dado?

What can you give me that you haven't already given?

Si de tu cario yo ya estoy cansado

If I'm already tired of your affection

Dices que te vas, qu estas esperando?

You say you're leaving, what are you waiting for?

La puerta est abierta, no le pienses tanto

The door is open, don't think too much about it

Tu que creas que me veras llorando

You, thinking you'll see me crying

Pues te equivocaste, yo salgo ganando

Well, you're mistaken, I come out winning

Y vas a recordarme aunque no lo quieras

And you will remember me even if you don't want to

Sentirs mi sangre correr por tus venas

You'll feel my blood running through your veins

Cargars la cruz buscando el alivio

You'll carry the cross seeking relief

Recordarme a diario ser tu castigo

Remembering me daily will be your punishment

Y vas a recordarme, mirando hacia el cielo

And you will remember me, looking towards the sky

Cuando no le encuentres salida al infierno

When you can't find a way out of hell

Que tu construiste muy a tu manera

That you built very much your own way

Pensndolo de vers pierdes ms s te quedas.

Thinking about it, you lose more if you stay

Moderated by Sofia Diaz
Guatemala City, Guatemala March 4, 2025
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