La Embarraste Conmigo
Donde quedó el orgullo que tanto has presumido
Where is the pride you've boasted so much about?
Por que tocas mi puerta para verte llorar
Why do you knock on my door to see you cry?
Se te olvido que un día la embarraste conmigo
You forgot that one day you messed up with me
Con que cara te atreves volverme a molestar
With what face do you dare to bother me again?
Si un amor como el tuyo se ve en cualquier esquina
If a love like yours is seen on any corner
Solo quieres tener de momento a una mujer
You only want to have a woman for the moment
Como eres un perdido mi amor nunca lo estimas
As you are a lost cause, my love, you never appreciate it
Y yo no me acomodo a tu manera de ser
And I don't adapt to your way of being
De que me sirve amarte si luego tu me engañas
What good is it to love you if then you deceive me?
Si aún no has madurado ni en tu forma de amar
If you haven't matured in your way of loving
No valoraste nada de lo que pude darte
You didn't value anything of what I could give you
Si miras que conmigo tu la embarraste ya
If you see that with me, you messed up
Se te acabo el orgullo que tanto has presumido
Your pride has run out, which you've boasted so much about
Se te olvido que un día me hiciste tanto mal
You forgot that one day you hurt me so much
Y para que has pensado volver arrepentido
And why have you thought of coming back repentant?
Me endulzas y después das el golpe mortal
You sweeten me, and then you deliver the deadly blow
Si un amor como el tuyo se ve en cualquier esquina
If a love like yours is seen on any corner
Solo quieres tener de momento a una mujer
You only want to have a woman for the moment
Como eres un perdido mi amor nunca lo estimas
As you are a lost cause, my love, you never appreciate it
Y yo no me acomodo a tu manera de ser
And I don't adapt to your way of being
De que me sirve amarte si luego tu me engañas
What good is it to love you if then you deceive me?
Si aún no has madurado ni en tu forma de amar
If you haven't matured in your way of loving
No valoraste nada de lo que pude darte
You didn't value anything of what I could give you
Si miras que conmigo tu la embarraste ya
If you see that with me, you messed up