Busca La Luz

Fórmula V
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Lucha por apartar,

Struggle to separate,

de tu camino el mal,

from your path the evil,

busca la luz.

seek the light.

Cada dia nace el sol,

Every day the sun is born,

brilla para todos.

it shines for everyone.

Cada día hay ocasion,

Every day there is an opportunity,

de olvidar el odio.

to forget hatred.

Y si la niebla, envuelve tu vida.

And if the fog envelops your life,

Y si no encuentras, la fe perdida.

And if you don't find the lost faith.

Abrele tu alma a Dios,

Open your soul to God,

deja que entre en tí.

let Him enter you.

Busca la verdad en el,

Seek the truth in Him,

solo así hallarás...

only then you will find...

la fé que perdiste,

the faith you lost,

la luz que guió,

the light that guided,

tus primeros pasos.

your first steps.

Lucha por apartar,

Struggle to separate,

de tu camino el mal,

from your path the evil,

busca la luz.

seek the light.

Siempre puedes encontrar,

You can always find,

gente buena y mala.

good and bad people.

Dale a todos un lugar,

Give everyone a place,

dentro de tu alma.

within your soul.

Piensa que todos,

Think that we all,

somos humanos.

are human.

Y que por serlo,

And that because of it,

somos hermanos.

we are brothers.

Voz que te brinda amistad,

Voice that offers friendship,

eso es lo que soy.

that's what I am.

Llamame y comprobarás,

Call me and you will see,

que a tu lado estoy...

that I am by your side...

y demos las manos,

and let's join hands,

pidámosle a el,

let's ask Him,

la paz que anelamos.

for the peace we long for.

Moderated by Manuel Jimenez
San Salvador, El Salvador March 13, 2025
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