Gracias Pero No

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Hoy desperté y me vi enfrentándome a una vida

Today I woke up and found myself facing a life

Tan aburrida

So boring

Voy a escoger decidir entre la monotonía

I'm going to choose to decide between monotony

Y la agonía

And agony

De abandonar

Of giving up

Gracias pero no

Thanks, but no

Seguir no me interesa

Continuing doesn't interest me

Me da tanta pereza

It's so much effort

No sé fingir mi felicidad

I don't know how to fake my happiness

Gracias pero no

Thanks, but no

Me gusta la sorpresa

I like surprises

Es mi naturaleza

It's my nature

De géminis irracional

Being an irrational Gemini

Y cambiar por cambiar

And changing just for the sake of change

Y saltar sin mirar

And jumping without looking

Sin pensar

Without thinking

Mas que en mí porque sí

More than in myself just because

Porque siempre he sido así

Because I've always been like that

Doy la razón

I agree

A Nerón y le prendo fuego a todo

With Nero and I set everything on fire

El mejor modo

The best way

De terminar

To end

Gracias pero no

Thanks, but no

Seguir no me interesa

Continuing doesn't interest me

Me da tanta pereza

It's so much effort

No sé fingir felicidad

I don't know how to fake happiness

Gracias pero no

Thanks, but no

Me gusta la sorpresa

I like surprises

Es mi naturaleza

It's my nature

De géminis: Veleta y bipolar

Gemini: Weathervane and bipolar

Gracias pero no

Thanks, but no

No puede ser

It can't be

Contradecir contra de mi

Contradicting against myself

Es mi naturaleza

It's my nature

Pertenecer permanecer

Belonging, remaining

Me da tanta pereza

It's so much effort

Moderated by Sofia Diaz
Guatemala City, Guatemala March 4, 2025
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