Abajo la ley
Están aplicando
They are implementing
La ley antiterrorista
The anti-terrorist law
Detienen por la noche
They detain at night
Torturan todo el día
Torture all day long
No keremos sus tanquetas
We don't want their tanks
No keremos ver sus zetas
We don't want to see their boots
No keremos celulares
We don't want cellphones
No keremos que nos detengan
We don't want them to detain us
Solo keremos diversion
We just want fun
Nos disparan bolas de goma
They shoot rubber bullets at us
Nos golpean macizas porras
They beat us with solid clubs
Nos disparan botes de humos
They shoot smoke canisters at us
Nos matan balas de plomo
They kill us with lead bullets
Solo keremos diversion
We just want fun
Abajo la ley, antiterrorista
Down with the law, anti-terrorist
Abajo la ley, antiterrorista
Down with the law, anti-terrorist
Solo keremos, diversion!
We just want fun!