Amigo Mío

Ana Gabriel
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Llegaste hace tiempo ya

You arrived a long time ago

querias que te oyeran todos

You wanted everyone to hear you

buscabas la oportunidad

You were looking for the opportunity

de dar tu arte de mil modos

To give your art in a thousand ways

Tu canto se empezó a escuchar

Your song began to be heard

logrando transpasar fronteras

Achieving to cross borders

ahora todo el mundo va

Now the whole world is going

cantando lo que tu deseas

Singing what you desire

Amigo mio

My friend

en nombre de mi pueblo estoy

In the name of my people, I am



que nos regales de tu voz

That you gift us with your voice

y esas canciones

And those songs

que nos permiten conocer

That allow us to know

a nuestro amigo

Our friend

que no queremos ya perder

Whom we don't want to lose

Le cantas al amor y más

You sing to love and more

a gente que te quiere tanto

To people who love you so much

tu música no tiene fin

Your music has no end

callarte ahora es un pecado

To be silent now is a sin

Es poco lo que puedo decir

It's little what I can say

es mucho lo que tu has dado

It's much what you have given

y México lo sabe bien

And Mexico knows it well

por eso no serás pasado.

That's why you won't be forgotten

Amigo mio

My friend

en nombre de mi pueblo estoy

In the name of my people, I am



que nos regales de tu voz

That you gift us with your voice

y esas canciones

And those songs

que nos permiten conocer

That allow us to know

a nuestro amigo

Our friend

que no queremos ya perder

Whom we don't want to lose

Moderated by Manuel Jimenez
San Salvador, El Salvador February 19, 2025
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