Enrique BunburyLyrics
Permiteme que te invite a la despedia...
Allow me to invite you to the farewell...
no importa que no meresca mas tu atencion...
It doesn't matter if I don't deserve your attention anymore...
asi se hacen las cosas en mi familia...
That's how things are done in my family...
asi me enseñaron a que, las hiciera yo...
That's how I was taught to do them, to make them myself...
Permite que te dedique la ultima linea...
Allow me to dedicate the last line to you...
no importa que te disguste esta cancion...
It doesn't matter if you dislike this song...
asi mi conciencia quedara mas tranquila...
So my conscience will be more at ease...
asi en esta banda, decimos adios...
So in this band, we say goodbye...
Y al final...
And in the end...
te atare con todas mis fuerzas...
I will tie you up with all my strength...
mis brazos seran cuerdas al bailar este vals...
My arms will be ropes while dancing this waltz...
y al final quiero verte de nuevo contenta...
And in the end, I want to see you happy again...
sigue dando vueltas si aguantas de pie...
Keep spinning if you can stand on your feet...
Permite que te explique que no tengo prisa...
Allow me to explain that I am not in a hurry...
no importa que tengas algo mejor que hacer...
It doesn't matter if you have something better to do...
asi nos podemos pegar toda la vida...
So we can stick together for a lifetime...
asi si me dejas no te dejare de querer...
So if you let me, I won't stop loving you...
Y al final...
And in the end...
te atare con todas mis fuerzas...
I will tie you up with all my strength...
mis brazos seran cuerdas al bailar este vals...
My arms will be ropes while dancing this waltz...
y al final quiero verte de nuevo contenta...
And in the end, I want to see you happy again...
sigue dando vueltas si aguantas de pie...
Keep spinning if you can stand on your feet...