Eres Como El Aire (Acústico Entre Amigos)
Abraham MateoLyrics
Miré en su interior tratando de hallar esa conexión que me hiciera volar
I looked inside trying to find that connection that would make me fly
Algo en su voz era irreal y el corazón se me iba a desbordar
Something in her voice was unreal, and my heart was about to overflow
Y la luz se hizo en mi interior y subí como el sube el sol hasta el techo en mi habitación, en mis ojos pronto algo despertó
And the light dawned within me, and I rose like the sun rises to the ceiling in my room, in my eyes something soon awoke
Comprendí que era tarde ya, pensé que ella siempre será la primera y la última y es que simplemente
I understood that it was already late, I thought that she will always be the first and the last, and it's just
Eres como el aire. Luz de luna tras su piel, baby debes ser un ángel
You are like the air. Moonlight behind her skin, baby, you must be an angel
Nunca viví antes algo igual, esa forma de amar niña no es normal
I never lived something like this before, that way of loving, girl, it's not normal
Traté de respirar y recuperarme, quise regresar al mundo terrenal pero su ser tiraba de mí y su gravedad me hacía repetir
I tried to breathe and recover, I wanted to return to the earthly world, but her being pulled me, and her gravity made me repeat
Nunca pude imaginar tanta sensibilidad, sobran las palabras, entre tú y yo solo hay caridad
I could never imagine such sensitivity, words are unnecessary, between you and me there is only charity
Y la luz se hizo en mi interior y subí como el sube el sol hasta el techo en mi habitación, en mis ojos pronto algo despertó
And the light dawned within me, and I rose like the sun rises to the ceiling in my room, in my eyes something soon awoke
Comprendí que era tarde ya, pensé que ella siempre será la primera y la última y es que simplemente
I understood that it was already late, I thought that she will always be the first and the last, and it's just
Eres como el aire. Luz de luna tras su piel, baby debes ser un ángel
You are like the air. Moonlight behind her skin, baby, you must be an angel
Nunca viví antes algo igual, esa forma de amar niña no es normal
I never lived something like this before, that way of loving, girl, it's not normal
Eres como el aire. Luz de luna tras su piel, baby debes ser un ángel
You are like the air. Moonlight behind her skin, baby, you must be an angel
Nunca viví antes algo igual, esa forma de amar niña no es normal
I never lived something like this before, that way of loving, girl, it's not normal
Eres como el aire. Luz de luna tras su piel, baby debes ser un ángel
You are like the air. Moonlight behind her skin, baby, you must be an angel
Nunca viví antes algo igual, esa forma de amar niña no es normal
I never lived something like this before, that way of loving, girl, it's not normal