
Feli Colina
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No quiero pensar si ya es martes

I don't want to think if it's already Tuesday

No se ni si voy a encontrarte

I don't even know if I'll find you

No puedo decirte, desearte

I can't tell you, wish for you

Sé que no va a ninguna parte

I know it's not going anywhere

La imagen se vuelve hipnótica

The image becomes hypnotic

Me embebo en tu semítica

I immerse myself in your semitic

No puedo reírme, hablarte

I can't laugh, talk to you

Sé que no va a ninguna parte

I know it's not going anywhere

Ya vas a ver que al final sos vos el que no pudo verme

You'll see that in the end, it's you who couldn't see me

Creo que no me miras por miedo a reconocerte

I think you don't look at me for fear of recognizing yourself

Confusa y poco pragmática

Confused and not very pragmatic

La imagen se vuelve eterna

The image becomes eternal

Con esta insistencia fanática

With this fanatical insistence

De estar buscándome en piel ajena

Of searching for myself in someone else's skin

Entiendo que pierdo el tiempo

I understand that I'm wasting time

Me veo volada, etérea

I see myself flying, ethereal

Con este maneje, histérica

With this handling, hysterical

De ignorar lo que me resuena

Ignoring what resonates with me

Quiero, quiero, quiero imaginar

I want, want, want to imagine

Que te quedas en pleno enero

That you stay in the middle of January

Vuelo bajo, rozo el suelo, voy intentando descifrarme

I fly low, touch the ground, trying to decipher myself

Ya sabes, sabes que puedo

You know, you know I can

Sé mirarte y desnudarte el cuerpo entero

Look at you and undress your whole body

Ya no puedo distinguir si te mentís a vos

I can no longer distinguish if you lie to yourself

O me mentís a mi

Or if you lie to me

Ya vas a ver que al final sos vos el que no pudo verme

You'll see that in the end, it's you who couldn't see me

Creo que no me miras por miedo a reconocerte

I think you don't look at me for fear of recognizing yourself

Moderated by Elena Rodríguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina March 4, 2025
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