Ni Volviendo a Nacer

Eden Muñoz
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You know

Que bonito hubiera sido

How beautiful it would have been

Nunca haberte conocido

Never to have met you

Y aunque duela

And even though it hurts

Hasta ahorita

Up until now

Olvidarte no he podido

I haven't been able to forget you

Y sabes

And you know

Lo que me pesa es el tiempo

What weighs on me is time

Y es que te elegí a lo menso

And it's that I chose you carelessly

Y el amor con compañía

And love with company

Ya lo andaba confundiendo

I was already confusing

Y si

And if

Lo que sí yo te aseguro

What I assure you

Que no existe ni un futuro

Is that there is no future

Entre los dos

Between us

Entre los dos

Between us

Ni volviendo a nacer

Not even being born again

Ya no se va poder

It won't be possible anymore

Tal vez si hubieras sido diferente

Perhaps if you had been different

Si hubieras actuado como la gente decente

If you had acted like decent people

Ni volviendo a nacer

Not even being born again

No volveré a caer

I won't fall again

Y si algún día me preguntan que fuimos

And if someday they ask what we were

Yo les diré que ni nos conocimos

I will tell them that we didn't even know each other

Y es que tan mal me fue

And it went so bad for me

Que me da pena decir

That it embarrasses me to say

Que eres mi ex

That you are my ex

Y ese es Muñoz

And that's Muñoz

Ni volviendo a nacer

Not even being born again

Ya no se va poder

It won't be possible anymore

Tal vez si hubieras sido diferente

Perhaps if you had been different

Si hubieras actuado como la gente decente

If you had acted like decent people

Ni volviendo a nacer

Not even being born again

No volveré a caer

I won't fall again

Y si algún día me preguntan que fuimos

And if someday they ask what we were

Yo les diré que ni nos conocimos

I will tell them that we didn't even know each other

Y es que tan mal me fue

And it went so bad for me

Que me da pena decir

That it embarrasses me to say

Que eres mi ex

That you are my ex

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico March 13, 2025
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