Nuevo Rumbo

Diabulus in Musica
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Fortes fortuna ad iuvat, audaces fortuna iuvat

Fortune favors the bold, fortune favors the daring

No hay metas inalcanzables

There are no unattainable goals

Solo voluntades cobardes

Only cowardly wills

Hoy, se abre una senda más y otra piedra en mi camino

Today, a new path opens and another stone in my way

Donde no volveré a tropezar jamás

Where I will never stumble again

Hoy, una nueva realidad y una experiencia

Today, a new reality and an experience

A mi espalda descubriéndome al fin la paz

Behind me, finally discovering peace

Cruzando paredes de cristal surcando la oscuridad

Crossing glass walls, sailing through the darkness

Serenidad tras la tempestad

Serenity after the storm

Alma invencible sin miedo a arriesgar

Invincible soul, unafraid to risk

Faro de luz, astro fugaz

Lighthouse of light, fleeting star

Vuélveme a iluminar

Illuminate me again

Hoy, viajo por terrenos que se quiebran

Today, I travel through breaking terrains

A cada instante

At every moment

No caeré ni me detendré

I will not fall, nor will I stop

Cruzando paredes de cristal surcando la oscuridad

Crossing glass walls, sailing through the darkness

Serenidad tras la tempestad

Serenity after the storm

Alma invencible sin miedo a arriesgar

Invincible soul, unafraid to risk

Faro de luz, astro fugaz

Lighthouse of light, fleeting star

Me vuelve a iluminar

It illuminates me again

Fortes fortuna ad iuvat, audaces fortuna iuvat

Fortune favors the bold, fortune favors the daring

No hay metas inalcanzables, solo voluntades cobardes

There are no unattainable goals, only cowardly wills

Hoy, la voluntad se esfuma entre tus manos

Today, willpower fades between your hands

Hoy, la libertad se desvanece en tus miedos

Today, freedom fades in your fears

Hoy, la ansiedad te paraliza y te abruma

Today, anxiety paralyzes and overwhelms you

Hoy, eres más fuerte nada te frenará

Today, you are stronger, nothing will stop you

Nada que anule mi obstinación

Nothing to nullify my determination

Ni ahogue mi ilusión

Nor drown my illusion

Serenidad tras la tempestad

Serenity after the storm

Alma invencible sin miedo a arriesgar

Invincible soul, unafraid to risk

Faro de luz, astro fugaz

Lighthouse of light, fleeting star

Me vuelve a iluminar

It illuminates me again

Fortes fortuna ad iuvat, audaces fortuna iuvat

Fortune favors the bold, fortune favors the daring

No hay metas inalcanzables, solo voluntades cobardes

There are no unattainable goals, only cowardly wills

Moderated by Daniel Ramos
La Paz, Bolivia September 23, 2024
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