Propietario Del Poder

Alfredo Olivas
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& por que no avanzar si tenemos los poderes

And why not advance if we have the powers

Hablar esta de mas demostramos con papeles

Talking is unnecessary, we demonstrate with papers

La advertencia esta en el aire ya compramos esta plaza

The warning is in the air, we already bought this place

No nos hicieron descuento nos salio bastante cara!

They didn't give us a discount; it came out quite expensive!

No estamos en el decierto pero como si lo fuera

We are not in the desert, but it's like we are

El arabe anda suelto & el camello esquien lo espera

The Arab is loose, and the camel is waiting for him

Energias para la calle tigres para la sierra nos tomo a

Energies for the street, tigers for the mountains, it took us

Vastante tiempo dias lejos de nuestra tierra!

Quite some time, days away from our land!

Pero el arbol como da sombra & el 20 que fina persona

But the tree provides shade, and the 20 is a fine person

Todos ala orden de el & tambien del 5-6 son las claves

All at the service of him and also of the 5-6 are the keys

Que ahora mandan propietarios del poder!

Who now command, owners of power!

Operamos en el norte aya es donde nos movemos

We operate in the north, that's where we move

Luego agarramos monte si lo ordena el ingeniero

Then we take the mountain if the engineer orders it

El rayo trae los aparatos se cordina con los puntos

The lightning brings the devices, coordinates with the points

Y al que se ande balanceando lo peina & lo hace difunto!

And whoever is swaying, combs him and makes him deceased!

Donde estan los contrincantes que venian a barrernos

Where are the opponents who came to sweep us

Donde estan los comandos que se veian a tras tiempos

Where are the commands that were seen in past times

Que paso con los valientes que querian al ingeniero

What happened to the brave ones who wanted the engineer

Aqui estamos pa toparlos somos gente del Sombrero!

Here we are to confront them, we are people of the Hat!

& la concha dice sonriente que bonito huelen los billetes

And the shell says smiling, how beautiful the bills smell

Mas no es facil agarrarlos nos a sudado la frente

But it's not easy to grab them; our forehead has sweated

Ya se van los propietarios los mando llamar el Jefe!

The owners are leaving; the boss is calling them!

Moderated by Diego Martín
Caracas, Venezuela September 12, 2024
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