La Tirana

Dario Gomez
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Te recibí el corazón con toda el alma

I received your heart with all my soul

No me arrepiento, a pesar de tu traición

I don't regret it, despite your betrayal

Al darme cuenta que eres una tirana

Realizing that you are a tyrant

Me enamoré y el destino me engañó

I fell in love, and destiny deceived me

Habiendo tantas mujeres en el mundo

With so many women in the world

Tenías que ser tú, mi única desesperación

It had to be you, my only desperation

Me diste el corazón y me lo diste herido

You gave me your heart, and you gave it to me wounded

Otro amor te engañó y tú engañaste el mío

Another love deceived you, and you deceived mine

¿Por qué eres tan tirana con el que sabe amarte?

Why are you so tyrannical with the one who knows how to love you?

Debías de matarme para ya olvidarte

You should have killed me to forget you

(¿Por qué tenías que ser tan tirana?)

(Why did you have to be so tyrannical?)

(Tirana, ya no más)

(Tyrant, no more)

(Mi pobre corazón, ya no te aguanta más)

(My poor heart can't take it anymore)

Siempre que hago el intento de olvidarte

Whenever I try to forget you

Oye, tirana, no lo puedo lograr

Hey, tyrant, I can't achieve it

Siento los mismos deseos de besarte

I feel the same desire to kiss you

Oye, tirana, tú me vas a matar

Hey, tyrant, you're going to kill me

Habiendo tantas mujeres en el mundo

With so many women in the world

Y yo, solo contigo, me tenía que encontrar

And I, only with you, had to find myself

Me diste el corazón y me lo diste herido

You gave me your heart, and you gave it to me wounded

Otro amor te engañó y tú engañaste el mío

Another love deceived you, and you deceived mine

¿Por qué eres tan tirana con el que sabe amarte?

Why are you so tyrannical with the one who knows how to love you?

Debías de matarme para ya olvidarte

You should have killed me to forget you

(¿Por qué tenías que ser tan tirana?)

(Why did you have to be so tyrannical?)

(Tirana, ya no más)

(Tyrant, no more)

(Mi pobre corazón, ya no te aguanta más)

(My poor heart can't take it anymore)

Moderated by Isabel Ruiz
Quito, Ecuador June 30, 2024
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