
Fausto Miño
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I understand

Entiendo que ya no hablemos desde hace tiempo

I understand that we haven't spoken for a long time

Entiendo que mis lugares son solo eso

I understand that my places are just that

Entiendo que no te llego temprano al corazón

I understand that I didn't reach your heart early on

Escucha, que si es que te llamo no es para incomodarte

Listen, if I call you, it's not to bother you

Escucha que no te quiero igualito que antes

Understand that I don't love you the same as before

Entiende que yo también me he lavado el corazón

Understand that I, too, have washed my heart

Pero es que no basta con entenderte tanto

But it's not enough to understand you so much

Yo fui lo que tu querias tuve mi espacio

I was what you wanted; I had my space

Por eso abre bien los ojos para encontrarme

So open your eyes wide to find me

Yo puedo ser buen amigo como era antes

I can be a good friend like before

Esque cuando yo te tuve te quise tanto

Because when I had you, I loved you so much

Por eso es que mi carino a quedado intacto

That's why my affection has remained intact

Y me fui tratando

And I left, trying

Ya por eso puse algo

Yes, that's why I put something

Me fui despacio

I left slowly

Y pude haberme regresado

And I could have come back

Y me fui perdiendo

And I left, losing

Lo aprendido es lo ganado

What is learned is what is gained

Me fui creyendo

I left, believing

Que tu me estabas esperando

That you were waiting for me

Entiendo que tienes alguien muy bueno ahí a tu lado

I understand that you have someone very good there by your side

Entiendo que con el hagas lo que planeamos

I understand that with him, you do what we planned

Entiendo que le entregaste lo que he dejado yo

I understand that you gave him what I left

Pero es que no basta con entenderte tanto

But it's not enough to understand you so much

Yo fui lo que tu querias tuve mi espacio

I was what you wanted; I had my space

Por eso abre bien los ojos para encontrarme

So open your eyes wide to find me

Yo puedo ser buen amigo como era antes

I can be a good friend like before

Esque cuando yo te tuve te quise tanto

Because when I had you, I loved you so much

Por eso es que mi carino a quedado intacto

That's why my affection has remained intact

Y me fui tratando

And I left, trying

Ya por eso puse algo

Yes, that's why I put something

Me fui despacio

I left slowly

Y pude haberme regresado

And I could have come back

Y me fui perdiendo

And I left, losing

Lo aprendido es lo ganado

What is learned is what is gained

Me fui creyendo

I left, believing

Que tu me estabas esperando

That you were waiting for me

Que tu me estabas esperando

That you were waiting for me

Moderated by Lucia Flores
Tegucigalpa, Honduras September 22, 2024
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