Amaya pasaq chakaymanta
From the beginning of the dawn
Amaya pasaq tayta (x4)
From the beginning of the dawn, father (x4)
Yanay hamuy, tusuykusun
We dance joyfully, in the delight of the dance
Taytay, achkirimuchkanñam (x2)
Father, our eyes meet (x2)
Se oyen los cantos, me anuncia el viento
The songs are heard, the wind announces to me
kusikuy, sunqu; manam manam, llanqachu kanqa
Dance, heart; not now, not now, my love
kusikuy, sunqu; allim allim, tayta Intipaq
Dance, heart; slowly slowly, father Sun
Se oyen los cantos, me anuncia el viento
The songs are heard, the wind announces to me
kusikuy, sunqu, que el camino ya está muy cerca
Dance, heart, that the path is already very close
kusikuy, sunqu, que la noche ya está aclarando.
Dance, heart, that the night is already clearing.
Yanay hamuy, tusuykusun
We dance joyfully, in the delight of the dance
Taytay, achkirimuchkanñam (x2)
Father, our eyes meet (x2)
Amaya pasaq chakaymanta
From the beginning of the dawn
Amaya pasaq tayta (x4)
From the beginning of the dawn, father (x4)
Yanay hamuy, tusuykusun
We dance joyfully, in the delight of the dance
Taytay, achkirimuchkanñam (x2)
Father, our eyes meet (x2)
Se oyen los cantos, me anuncia el viento
The songs are heard, the wind announces to me
kusikuy, sunqu; manam manam, llanqachu kanqa
Dance, heart; not now, not now, my love
kusikuy, sunqu; allim allim, tayta Intipaq
Dance, heart; slowly slowly, father Sun
Se oyen los cantos, me anuncia el viento
The songs are heard, the wind announces to me
kusikuy, sunqu, que el camino ya está muy cerca
Dance, heart, that the path is already very close
kusikuy, sunqu, que la noche ya está aclarando.
Dance, heart, that the night is already clearing.
Yanay hamuy, tusuykusun
We dance joyfully, in the delight of the dance
Taytay, achkirimuchkanñam (x2)
Father, our eyes meet (x2)
Amaya pasaq chakaymanta
From the beginning of the dawn
Amaya pasaq tayta
From the beginning of the dawn, father
Yanay hamuy, tusuykusun
We dance joyfully, in the delight of the dance
Taytay, achkirimuchkanñam (x4)
Father, our eyes meet (x4)