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Escucha lo que dicen mis suenos

Listen to what my dreams say

no podrias alejarme mas de ti

You couldn't keep me further from you

tu voz no ha temblado jamas

Your voice has never trembled

nunca has pedido perdon

You have never asked for forgiveness

siempre imponiendo tu voluntad, tu voluntad.

Always imposing your will, your will

Mas veras que la luz

But you will see that the light

de repente aparecera

Suddenly will appear

y al volar te sentiras

And as you fly, you will feel

como un pajaro en libertad.

Like a bird in freedom

No lo has dicho pero lo puedo ver

You haven't said it, but I can see

en tus ojos ya no hay ese rencor

In your eyes, there's no resentment anymore

comprendiste que habia que cambiar

You understood that things had to change

asi es todo mucho mejor

That's how everything is much better

la distancia todo lo curara, lo curara

Distance will heal everything, it will heal

Moderated by Manuel González
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana September 13, 2024
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