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Hacía mucho que no te veía

Long time no see you

No lo lograste

You didn't make it

Yo lo sabía no te das cuenta de lo que está pasando

I knew it, you don't realize what's happening

Se mueve el suelo que vas pisando

The ground you're stepping on is moving

Te invoqué de tanto pensarte

I summoned you by thinking of you so much

Es tu piel que va a intoxicarme

It's your skin that's going to intoxicate me

Tus pretensiones te van engañando

Your pretensions are deceiving you

Sí soy sincero rompes en llanto

Yes, I'm honest, you break into tears

Últimas fichas y el juego se termina

Last chips, and the game is over

Que adrenalina tanta mentira

Such adrenaline, so much lying

Te invoqué de tanto pensarte

I summoned you by thinking of you so much

Es tu piel que va a intoxicarme

It's your skin that's going to intoxicate me

Estás apurada y a mí, nadie me apura

You're in a hurry, and nobody rushes me

Voy a pasar por tu cintura hasta el amanecer será que el vino está tan rico

I'm going to pass through your waist until dawn; is it that the wine is so good?

Y nos mando a embriagar porque al final no nos queda nada

And it sent us to get drunk because in the end, we have nothing left

Aunque nos cueste y cueste

Even if it costs us and costs us

La verdad siempre duele

The truth always hurts

Y nunca puede desaparecer

And it can never disappear



Te invoqué de tanto pensarte

I summoned you by thinking of you so much

Es tu piel que va a intoxicarme

It's your skin that's going to intoxicate me

Moderated by Miguel Sanchez
San Juan, Puerto Rico August 2, 2024
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