Grupo BryndisLyrics
Hay quienes me preguntan
Some ask me
que ha sido de ti
what has become of you
hay quienes me reclaman
some reproach me
porque nunca te busque
because I never looked for you
Me isento bien
I feel good
saber que eres feliz
knowing that you're happy
que recuperas ese tiempo
that you're recovering that time
que perdiste junto a mi
you lost with me
Buscarte te juro
Swearing to look for you
no esta en mi
is not in me
pues es dificil olvidar
because it's hard to forget
lo una vez sufri
what I once suffered
Por que he perdido
Because I have lost
la esparanza de volver a querer
hope of loving again
por todas esas noches tristes
for all those sad nights
derramanto llanto
I shed tears
hasta el amanecer
until dawn
Es dificil de creerlo
It's hard to believe
pero ya te perdone
but I've already forgiven you
heche al olvido el sufrimiento
I cast aside the suffering
y he jurado en todo
and I've sworn in everything
no volverte a ver
not to see you again