El Whisky De Dios

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No se sabe cuando te estan sacando la foto

We don't know when they're taking your picture

con la que mañana van a buscarte

With which they'll look for you tomorrow

Cabeza blanca y negra de la manifestacion

Black and white head of the demonstration

pide justicia a viva voz por todas partes

Demands justice loudly everywhere

Y ese dia, cuando partia el flash del adios

And that day, when the farewell flash went off

eternizando tu rostro insalvable,

Eternally capturing your insurmountable face

Quien sabe en que pensabas, digan whisky dice Dios,

Who knows what you were thinking, say whisky says God

que ya comienza la funcion y acaba tarde.

As the show begins and ends late

Que tragedia, que mala suerte, que maldicion,

What a tragedy, what bad luck, what a curse

Que diria este renglon si estuvieras?

What would this line say if you were here?

Quien sabe si la cuenta regresiva empezo

Who knows if the countdown started

al gatillarte en esa foto cualquiera

When they triggered you in any random photo

Que desconsuelo, que sotano sin suelo, que olor

What sorrow, what basement without ground, what smell

a muerte sin resurreccion se respira

Of death with no resurrection is in the air

Jugandonos la vida, loteria feroz,

Risking our lives, a ferocious lottery

Quien sabe si esta es mi cancion de despedida

Who knows if this is my farewell song

No se sabe cuando te estas comprando la ropa

We don't know when you're buying clothes

con la que mañana van a velarte

With which they'll bury you tomorrow

Colores opacados por las flores de un show

Colors overshadowed by the flowers of a show

que en la platea nadie quiere sentarse

That no one in the audience wants to sit through

Y ese dia cuando la vendedora envolvio

And that day when the saleswoman wrapped

con una automatizacion que dolia

With an automation that hurt

Quien sabe en que pensabas dentro del probador

Who knows what you were thinking inside the fitting room

pero costaba mas de lo que te decian

But it cost more than they told you

Que tragedia, que bronca, cuanta resignacion,

What tragedy, what anger, how much resignation

Que diria este renglon si estuvieras?

What would this line say if you were here?

Quien sabe si la cuenta regresiva empezo

Who knows if the countdown started

cuando elegiste un pantalon de la vidriera

When you chose pants from the shop window

Que desconsuelo, que mundo sin pañuelo, que amor

What sorrow, what world without a handkerchief, what love

te habra esperado para siempre en la esquina?

Waited for you forever on the corner?

Jugandonos la vida, loteria feroz,

Risking our lives, a ferocious lottery

Quien sabe si esta es mi cancion de despedida

Who knows if this is my farewell song

No se sabe cuando estas saludando al pasar

We don't know when you're waving as you pass by

a alguien que ya nunca veras en tu vida

At someone you'll never see again in your life

Rutina insoportable de pensar, el final

Unbearable routine of thinking, the end

es solo alguien que saluda y que camina

Is just someone greeting and walking away

Y ese dia cuando tu beso al aire rozo

And that day when your air kiss grazed

la fina terminacion de su cara

The fine ending of their face

Quien sabe en que pensabas cuando apenas marcho

Who knows what you were thinking when they barely left

con la inocencia del que dice hasta mañana

With the innocence of saying, "see you tomorrow"

Que tragedia, que inutil que es mirar el reloj,

What tragedy, how useless it is to look at the clock

Que diria este renglon si estuvieras?

What would this line say if you were here?

Quien sabe si la cuenta regresiva empezo

Who knows if the countdown started

con aquel beso descuidado en la vereda

With that careless kiss on the sidewalk

Que desconsuelo, veneno en caramelos de adios,

What sorrow, poison in farewell candies

Que muerte sin corazon lo seguia?

What death without a heart followed?

Jugandonos la vida, loteria feroz,

Risking our lives, a ferocious lottery

Quien sabe si esta es mi cancion de despedida?

Who knows if this is my farewell song?

Moderated by Carlos García
Lima, Perú September 27, 2024
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