Al Mundo Paz
Al mundo paz, nació Jesús
Peace to the world, Jesus was born
Nació el Salvador
The Savior was born
El corazón ya tiene luz
The heart now has light
El corazón ya tiene luz
The heart now has light
Y paz su santa grey
And peace for His holy flock
Y paz su santa grey
And peace for His holy flock
Y paz, y paz su santa grey
And peace, and peace for His holy flock
Al mundo paz, el Salvador
Peace to the world, the Savior
En tierra reinará
Will reign on earth
Ya es feliz el pecador
Now the sinner is happy
Ya es feliz el pecador
Now the sinner is happy
Jesús perdón le da
Jesus grants forgiveness
Jesús perdón le da
Jesus grants forgiveness
Jesús, Jesús perdón le da
Jesus, Jesus grants forgiveness
Al mundo él gobernará
He will rule the world
Con gracia y con poder
With grace and with power
A las naciones mostrará
To the nations, He will show
A las naciones mostrará
To the nations, He will show
Su amor y su poder
His love and His power
Su amor y su poder
His love and His power
Su amor, su amor y su poder
His love, His love and His power