La Lobo Blindada
Valentín ElizaldeLyrics
En una Lobo del año, negra y muy bien arreglada
In a year's model Lobo, black and well arranged
viajaban Sergio y su hermano con la Lobo bien cargada
Sergio and his brother were traveling with the well-loaded Lobo
asi lo dijo el soplon el hombre quien denunciaba
That's what the snitch said, the man who was denouncing
El contrabando es un polvo, puro polvo colombiano
Contraband is a dust, pure Colombian dust
y en esa troca la llevan para unos americanos
And in that truck, they carry it for some Americans
si a Sergio le tiene miedo cuidense mas de su hermano
If Sergio scares you, be more careful with his brother
Sergio le dice a su hermano prepara esa metralleta
Sergio tells his brother, prepare that machine gun
presiento que hubo dedo nos sigue esa camioneta
I sense betrayal; that truck is following us
tu tirale a las llantas mientras que yo doy la vuelta
You shoot at the tires while I take the turn
Le pegaron a la Lobo cuando iba de pasada
They hit the Lobo as it was passing by
se sintieron los impactos pero no le hicieron nada
We felt the impacts, but they didn't do anything
por que la Lobo del año resulto que era blindada
Because the Lobo of the year turned out to be armored
*Y ahi va pa' dos grandes amigos: compa Beto y compa
*And there go two great friends: Compa Beto and Compa
Juan Guerrero oiga, ah,ah....*
Juan Guerrero listen, ah, ah....*
Su jefe confia en ellos son dos gallos muy jugados
Their boss trusts them; they are two very daring roosters
por eso es que su padrino siempre los ha contratado
That's why their godfather has always hired them
burlan muy bien los retenes de aqui y del otro lado
They bypass the checkpoints here and on the other side
Los retenes nacionales son iguales que mis manos
National checkpoints are like my hands
trabajan puras madrinas Sergio le dice a su hermano
Sergio tells his brother they only work for bosses
nomas les das pa' las sodas y tu seras siempre el amo
Just give them for the sodas, and you will always be the boss
Asi quedaron dos gallos aun siguen trabajando
That's how two roosters ended up, still working
en su famosa blindada pasan mucho contrabando
In their famous armored truck, they transport a lot of contraband
en brecos y otros retenes los seguiran esperando.
In gaps and other checkpoints, they will still be waiting