El Tuerto Y Los Ciegos

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Desnuda de frío y hermosa como ayer

Naked from cold and beautiful like yesterday

Tan exacta como dos y dos son tres

As exact as two and two make three

Ella llegó a mí, apenas la pude ver

She came to me, I could barely see her

Aprendí a disimular mi estupidez

I learned to disguise my stupidity

Bienvenida Cassandra

Welcome, Cassandra

Bienvenida el sol y mi niñez

Welcome, the sun and my childhood

Sigue y sigue bailando alrededor

Keep on dancing around

Aunque siempre seamos pocos los que

Even though we may always be few

Aun te podamos ver

Who can still see you

Les contaste un cuento sabiéndolo contar

You told them a tale, knowing how to tell it

Y creyeron que tu alma andaba mal

And they believed that your soul was troubled

La mediocridad para algunos es normal

Mediocrity for some is normal

La locura es poder ver más allá

Madness is being able to see beyond

Baila y baila, Cassandra

Dance and dance, Cassandra

Digo bien, bien, bien la pude ver

I say well, well, well, I could see her

No hablo yo de fantasmas ni de Dios

I'm not talking about ghosts or God

Solo te cuento las cosas que

I only tell you the things that

Se te suelen perder

You usually lose

Moderated by Carlos García
Lima, Perú June 2, 2024
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