Trátame Suavemente
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Alguien me ha dicho que la soledad
Someone has told me that loneliness
Se esconde tras tus ojos
Hides behind your eyes
Y que tu blusa atora sentimientos
And that your blouse traps feelings
Que respiras
That you breathe
Tenés que comprender que no puse tus miedos
You have to understand that I did not put your fears
Donde están guardados
Where they are stored
Y que no podré quitártelos
And that I won't be able to take them away
Si, al hacerlo, me desgarras
Yes, in doing so, you tear me apart
No quiero soñar mil veces las mismas cosas
I don't want to dream a thousand times the same things
Ni contemplarlas sabiamente
Nor contemplate them wisely
Quiero que me trates suavemente
I want you to treat me gently
Te comportas de acuerdo
You behave according to
Con lo que te dicta cada momento
What each moment dictates to you
Y esta inconstancia no es algo heroico
And this inconstancy is not something heroic
Es, más bien, algo enfermo
It is, rather, something sick
No quiero soñar mil veces las mismas cosas
I don't want to dream a thousand times the same things
Ni contemplarlas sabiamente
Nor contemplate them wisely
Quiero que me trates suavemente
I want you to treat me gently
No quiero soñar mil veces las mismas cosas
I don't want to dream a thousand times the same things
Ni contemplarlas sabiamente
Nor contemplate them wisely
Quiero que me trates suavemente
I want you to treat me gently
Quiero que me trates suavemente
I want you to treat me gently
Quiero que me trates suavemente
I want you to treat me gently