Vengo de Pobla

Maria Jose Quintanilla
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Porque yo

Because I

Aunque te moleste

Even if it bothers you

Yo vengo de Pobla

I come from Pobla

Le pese a quien le pese

Regardless of who dislikes it

Vengo de Pobla, lugar valiente

I come from Pobla, a brave place

Hay gente noble, gente decente

There are noble people, decent people

Somos el grito que está en la calle

We are the cry that is in the street

La gente lucha y muere de hambre

People fight and die of hunger

Vengo de Pobla, vengo tranquila

I come from Pobla, I come calmly

Aunque en mi alma tengo una herida

Although in my soul I have a wound

Sé lo que duele que discriminen

I know the pain of being discriminated against

Solo por el lugar donde vives

Just because of the place where you live

Y, aunque te moleste, yo vengo de Pobla

And, even if it bothers you, I come from Pobla

Es un sentimiento que llevo en la sangre y eso no se toca

It's a feeling I carry in my blood, and that cannot be touched

Y aunque tú me apuntes, yo vengo de Pobla

And even if you point at me, I come from Pobla

Donde me criaron, donde me cuidaron y estoy orgullosa

Where they raised me, where they took care of me, and I am proud

Yo vengo de Pobla

I come from Pobla

Yo vengo de Pobla

I come from Pobla

Porque yo

Because I

Aunque te moleste

Even if it bothers you

Yo vengo de Pobla

I come from Pobla

Le pese a quien le pese

Regardless of who dislikes it

Vengo de Pobla y quiero pedirte

I come from Pobla, and I want to ask you

No te avergüence donde naciste

Do not be ashamed of where you were born

Solo tú sabes bien la respuesta

Only you know the answer well

La Pobla es vida, es alma y es fiesta

Pobla is life, it is soul, and it is celebration

Vengo de Pobla, vengo contenta

I come from Pobla, I come happy

Pero no olvido que hay una deuda

But I do not forget that there is a debt

Ya no queremos quedar afuera

We no longer want to be left out

La dignidad es nuestra bandera

Dignity is our flag

Y, aunque te moleste, yo vengo de Pobla

And, even if it bothers you, I come from Pobla

Es un sentimiento que llevo en la sangre y eso no se toca

It's a feeling I carry in my blood, and that cannot be touched

Y aunque tú me apuntes, yo vengo de Pobla

And even if you point at me, I come from Pobla

Donde me criaron, donde me cuidaron y estoy orgullosa

Where they raised me, where they took care of me, and I am proud

Yo vengo de Pobla

I come from Pobla

Yo vengo de Pobla

I come from Pobla

Yo vengo de Pobla

I come from Pobla

Yo vengo de Pobla

I come from Pobla

Moderated by Natalia Garcia
Santiago, Chile March 11, 2025
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