Raphy LeavittLyrics
Sentir esta ansiedad,
Feeling this anxiety,
Y pensar que te burlas de mi,
And thinking that you mock me,
Que forma de pagar,
What a way to repay,
Haciendo que se rían de mi.
Making others laugh at me.
Si... Seré un payaso,
Yes... I'll be a clown,
Que se ha olvidado,
Who has forgotten,
Que debe fingir.
That he must pretend.
Te invito a verme actuar
I invite you to watch me perform,
Para que rías como los demás,
So you can laugh like the others,
Mas tienes que jurar
But you must swear,
Que has de quedarte hasta que veas el final.
To stay until you see the end.
Entre miles de risas,
Among thousands of laughs,
Tu alma gritará...
Your soul will scream...
Payaso, basta ya.
Clown, enough already.
Basta Payaso, te están mirando
Enough, Clown, they are watching you,
Y esos dos ojos ya están llorando.
And those two eyes are already crying.
Payaso soy de tu cariño
I am a clown of your affection,
Te burlas de mi cual si fuera un niño
You mock me as if I were a child,
Pero divina prenda amada
But divine beloved,
Siempre serás mi adorada
You will always be my beloved,
Reina de todo mis ser
Queen of all my being,
Mas yo te reto a ti ver
But I challenge you to see
El acto que represento
The act that I perform,
Que es querer y sentimiento
Which is love and sentiment,
Que emana de mi persona
That emanates from my person,
Y no pienses que esto es broma mujer.
And don't think this is a joke, woman.
Es... El último acto de mi vida
It's... The last act of my life,
Y ya comprendo que tu amor me negarás
And now I understand that your love you will deny,
Oye mujer por que no vienes a mi
Listen, woman, why don't you come to me,
Para quererte, para adorarte,
To love you, to adore you,
Para tenerte rendida entre mis brazos,
To have you surrendered in my arms,
Dándote todo mi amor,
Giving you all my love,
Todo mi amor... Mujer.
All my love... Woman.