Sabré Olvidar
Silvana EstradaLyrics
Sabré olvidar, porque el silencio no da opción cuando uno canta
I will know how to forget, because silence leaves no choice when one sings
Y este dolor se ha de esfumar en mi garganta, sabré olvidar
And this pain will have to fade away in my throat, I will know how to forget
Sabré olvidar, aunque ahora cargo la desgracia entre los dientes
I will know how to forget, even though now I carry misfortune between my teeth
Pues sonreir es un remedio de valientes, sabré olvidar
Because smiling is a remedy for the brave, I will know how to forget
Y que te cante quien te quiera de verdad
And let whoever truly loves you sing to you
Y que te llore aquel que no te sepa amar
And let the one who doesn't know how to love you cry for you
Y que te robe el corazón sin avisar
And let someone steal your heart without warning
Para que entiendas de milagros y del mar
So that you understand miracles and the sea
Voy a callar un par de días
I'm going to be silent for a couple of days
Alejarme de tu nombre
Distance myself from your name
Abandonar mi artillería
Abandon my artillery
Abrazarme al horizonte y a olvidar, sabré olvidar
Embrace the horizon and forget, I will know how to forget
Sabré bailar, sabré tomar entre mis manos la alegría
I will know how to dance, I will know how to hold joy in my hands
Y devolverla poro a poro hasta mi vida, sabré olvidar
And return it drop by drop to my life, I will know how to forget
Sabré gritar, pintar colores en el techo con mi boca
I will know how to shout, paint colors on the ceiling with my mouth
Dejar de lado tu promesa que me estorba, sabré olvidar
Set aside your promise that bothers me, I will know how to forget
Y que te cante quien te quiera de verdad
And let whoever truly loves you sing to you
Y que te llore aquel que no te sepa amar
And let the one who doesn't know how to love you cry for you
Y que te robe el corazón sin avisar
And let someone steal your heart without warning
Para que entiendas de milagros y del mar
So that you understand miracles and the sea
Voy a callar un par de días
I'm going to be silent for a couple of days
Alejarme de tu nombre
Distance myself from your name
Abandonar mi artillería
Abandon my artillery
Abrazarme al horizonte y a olvidar, sabré olvidar
Embrace the horizon and forget, I will know how to forget