No Puedo Mas
Supo amar, supo dar,
He knew how to love, he knew how to give,
Me entregaba la vida sin mas,
He gave me life without hesitation,
Le falla sin querer
He fails unintentionally,
Y ahora enfrento una herida que va a doler.
And now I face a wound that will hurt.
Es un campo de espinas que yo busque,
It's a field of thorns that I sought,
Y me siento perdida,
And I feel lost,
Que puedo hacer, dime que puedo hacer,
What can I do, tell me what can I do,
Como aceptar, que ya no estas.
How to accept that you are no longer here.
No puedo mas, no tengo mas,
I can't take it anymore, I have nothing left,
Esto sabe a despedida y a soledad,
This tastes like farewell and loneliness,
Quiero borrar lo que hice mal,
I want to erase what I did wrong,
Y volverte a amar.
And love you again.
No pense y me halle,
I didn't think and I found myself,
Deshojando mentiras, me equivoque,
Unraveling lies, I made a mistake,
No lo merecias, te lastime,
You didn't deserve it, I hurt you,
Actue como niña,
I acted like a child,
Que puedo hacer, dime que puedo hacer,
What can I do, tell me what can I do,
Como aceptar, que ya no estas.
How to accept that you are no longer here.
No puedo mas, no tengo mas,
I can't take it anymore, I have nothing left,
Esto sabe a despedida y a soledad,
This tastes like farewell and loneliness,
Quiero borrar lo que hice mal,
I want to erase what I did wrong,
Y volverte a amar.
And love you again.
Cierro mis ojos y creo que estas aqui,
I close my eyes and believe you are here,
Tan abrazado a mi, y al despertar,
So tightly holding me, and upon waking up,
Veo que no es real, que todo sigue igual,
I see that it's not real, that everything remains the same,
Cuando vendras.
When will you come?
No puedo mas, no tengo mas,
I can't take it anymore, I have nothing left,
Esto sabe a despedida y a soledad,
This tastes like farewell and loneliness,
Quiero borrar lo que hice mal,
I want to erase what I did wrong,
Y volverte a amar.
And love you again.
Supo amar, supo dar,
He knew how to love, he knew how to give,
Me entregaba la vida....
He gave me life...