Nuevos Talentos
Alfredo OlivasLyrics
Nuevos talentos, nueva organización
New talents, new organization
Nuevos sistemas, nuevas fuerzas en comboys
New systems, new forces in convoys
Nuevos también los aparatos
New devices as well
Los ay cortos también ay largos
The short ones are also there, and so are the long ones
Pero sobre todo ay nueva generación
But above all, there's a new generation
Tal ves ya ustedes hayan escuchado hablar
Perhaps you have already heard talk
De estos amigos que patrullan la ciudad
About these friends patrolling the city
Ya se ven por guadajalara
You can already see them in Guadalajara
Mas de diez trocas activadas
More than ten activated trucks
Van cuidando a un muchacho por ordenes del papa
They're taking care of a boy by orders of the father
Ay rumores y amenazas ay envidias hoy en casa
There are rumors and threats, envy at home today
Ay recados de otra raza, queriendo sembrar terror
There are messages from another race, wanting to sow terror
Mas no saben lo que paso tal ves no quieren saberlo
But they don't know what happened, maybe they don't want to know
Mientras ellos quedan wueyes, yo ando arriba del tractor
While they remain fools, I'm on top of the tractor
Y ya viene la cosecha lo afirma todo el equipo
And the harvest is coming; the whole team affirms it
Que ahorita anda en labor
That is now working in the field
Ay cuatro letras que se deben respetar
There are four letters that must be respected
Es una sigla resumida es la lealtad
It's a summarized acronym; it's loyalty
Todos la traen en el chaleco
Everyone wears it on their vest
Tatuada a la espalda y al pecho
Tattooed on the back and chest
Ya es marca registrada ya que es su sello oficial
It's a registered trademark; it's their official seal
Ay un respeto hacia la población
There's respect towards the population
Ay 3 mil cuernos esperando ver acción
There are 3,000 horns waiting to see action
Y es una cifra al tanteo
And it's a tentative figure
Yo solo digo lo que veo, no es por alarmar a nadie
I just say what I see, not to alarm anyone
Simplemente hago mención
Just making a mention
Ay calumnias y mentiras ay mas fuerza día con día
There are slanders and lies; there's more strength day by day
Del cristal con que se mira, tomen solo la verdad
From the perspective with which you see, take only the truth
Un gallo por naturaleza por honor da su cabeza
A rooster by nature gives its head for honor
Y con la ultima patada, también se puede ganar
And with the last kick, you can also win
No echen en un saco roto las palabras del cachorro
Don't dismiss the words of the young one
Del sr de michoacan
From the gentleman from Michoacán