Digno Eres Tu

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En todo el universo,

In all the universe,

en la tierra y el mar

on earth and the sea,

Hasta los cuatro vientos

Even to the four winds,

tu dominio sera

your dominion shall be.

Jesucristo eres Señor

Jesus Christ, you are Lord,

Como un rio impetuoso

Like a rushing river,

tu poder fluira

your power will flow.

El mas alto collado

The highest hill

ante Ti caera

before you will bow.

Eres digno, hijo de Dios

You are worthy, Son of God,



Digno eres Tu, digno de honor

Worthy are You, worthy of honor,

Digno de Gloria y adoración

Worthy of glory and adoration.

Digno eres tu, digno Señor

Worthy are You, worthy Lord,

Toma mi vida y mi corazón

Take my life and my heart.

Las naciones declaran que tu eres Señor

The nations declare that you are Lord,

Las rodillas se postran, adorandote hoy

Knees bowing, worshiping you today.

Jesucristo eres Señor

Jesus Christ, you are Lord,

Todos te adoramos y te damos loor

We all worship you and give you praise,

Nuestras vidas alzamos, como ofrenda de amor

Our lives we lift as an offering of love.

Eres digno, hijo de Dios

You are worthy, Son of God,



Y con todas mis fuerzas cantaré

And with all my strength, I will sing

De tu misericordia y tu poder

Of your mercy and your power.



Digno eres Tu!

Worthy are You!



Digno eres Tu!

Worthy are You!

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico June 15, 2024
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