El Cautivo de Til-til

Patricio Manns
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Por unas pupilas claras

For clear pupils

Que entre muchos sables

That among many sabers

Viera relucir

I saw shining

Y esa risa que escondía

And that laughter that hid

No sé qué secretos

I don't know what secrets

Y si era para mí

And if it was for me

Cuando altivo se marchó

When he proudly left

Entre gritos de alguacil

Amidst shouts of the constable

Me nublo un presentimiento

A premonition clouds me

Al verlo partir

Seeing him depart

Dicen que es Manuel Rodrigues

They say he's Manuel Rodrigues

Y que se lo llevan

And they take him

Camino a til-til

On the road to Til-til

Que el gobernador no quiere

That the governor does not want

Ver por la cañada

To see through the ravine

Su porte gentil

His gentle demeanor

Dicen que en la guerra fue

They say in war he was

El mejor y en la ciudad

The best and in the city

Lo llaman el guerrillero

They call him the guerrilla fighter

De la libertad

Of liberty

Solo sé que ausente va

I only know he's absent

Que lo llevan los soldados

That soldiers take him

Que amarrado a la montura

Tied to the saddle

La tropa lo aleja de su general

The troop distances him from his general

Solo sé que el viento va

I only know the wind goes

Jugueteando en sus cabellos

Playing with his hair

Y que el Sol brilla en sus ojos

And the sun shines in his eyes

Cuando le conducen

As they lead him

Camino a til-til

On the road to Til-til

Dicen que era como un rayo

They say he was like lightning

Cuando galopaba

When he galloped

Sobre su corcel

Upon his steed

Y que al paso del jinete

And that as the rider passed

Todos murmuraban

All whispered

Su nombre Manuel

His name, Manuel

Yo no sé si volveré

I don't know if I'll ever see

A verlo libre y gentil

Him free and gentle again

Solo sé que sonreía

I only know he smiled

Camino a til-til

On the road to Til-til

Moderated by Ricardo Romero
Montevideo, Uruguay September 27, 2024
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