Mi Dios Es Grande

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Creaste el universo

You created the universe

Con tu gran poder

With your great power

Con un soplo de tu aliento

With a breath of your breath

Formaste quién yo soy

You formed who I am

Caminaste sobre el agua

You walked on the water

Calmaste la tormenta

You calmed the storm

Las olas se mueven al

The waves move at

Sonido de tu voz

The sound of your voice

Solo tú eres digno de exaltarle, solo tú eres digno de alabarle

Only you are worthy to exalt him, only you are worthy to praise him

Solo tú eres digno de darle gloria

Only you are worthy to give him glory

Creaste el universo

You created the universe

Con tu gran poder

With your great power

Con un soplo de tu aliento

With a breath of your breath

Formaste quién yo soy

You formed who I am

Caminaste sobre el agua

You walked on the water

Calmaste la tormenta

You calmed the storm

Las olas se mueven al

The waves move at

Sonido de tu voz

The sound of your voice

Solo tú Él es digno de exaltarle, solo Él es digno de alabarle

Only He is worthy to exalt him, only He is worthy to praise him

Solo tú Él es digno de darle gloria

Only He is worthy to give him glory

Mi Dios es grande, mi Dios es grande

My God is great, my God is great

Mi Dios es grande, mi Dios es grande

My God is great, my God is great

Que los cielos alaben tu nombre y la tierra hoy le responde

May the heavens praise your name and the earth responds today

Junto al cielo canto Santo es el Señor

Alongside the heavens I sing Holy is the Lord

Mi Dios es grande, mi Dios es grande

My God is great, my God is great

Mi Dios es grande, mi Dios es grande

My God is great, my God is great

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico April 29, 2024
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