Melody (ES)Lyrics
Será porque la mañana se ha puesto borde
Maybe because the morning has turned grumpy
Será porque no te he visto por la ventana
Maybe because I haven't seen you through the window
Será por el bandolero fin de semana
Maybe because of the weekend bandit
Será, será, será, será, será
It will be, it will be, it will be, it will be, it will be
Será porque no te he dicho lo que sentía
Maybe because I haven't told you what I felt
Será porque no me has dicho las cosas claras
Maybe because you haven't told me things clearly
Será porque si me amaras yo me moría
Maybe because if you loved me, I would die
It will be
Serán veinticuatro las horas del día
Twenty-four hours will be the day
Que yo te quisiera, que yo te querría
That I loved you, that I would love you
Te juro, seguro
I swear, for sure
Serán doce meses los besos de un año
Twelve months will be the kisses of a year
Mitad en tu boca, mitad en mis labios
Half on your lips, half on my lips
Rumbero, te quiero
Rumbero, I love you
Será, no, no, no, no, no
It will be, no, no, no, no, no
Vidita mía lo que será
My life, what it will be
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Vidita mía lo que será
My life, what it will be
Será porque el polo norte ya no es norte
Maybe because the North Pole is no longer north
Será porque ya es de noche por la mañana
Maybe because it's already night in the morning
Será porque yo he comido de tu manzana
Maybe because I've eaten from your apple
It will be
Serán veinticuatro las horas del día
Twenty-four hours will be the day
Que yo te quisiera, que yo te querría
That I loved you, that I would love you
Te juro, seguro
I swear, for sure
Serán doce meses los besos de un año
Twelve months will be the kisses of a year
Mitad en tu boca, mitad en mis labios
Half on your lips, half on my lips
Rumbero, te quiero
Rumbero, I love you
Serán veinticuatro las horas del día
Twenty-four hours will be the day
Que yo te quisiera, que yo te querría
That I loved you, that I would love you
Te juro, seguro
I swear, for sure
Serán doce meses los besos de un año
Twelve months will be the kisses of a year
Mitad en tu boca, mitad en mis labios
Half on your lips, half on my lips
Rumbero, te quiero
Rumbero, I love you
It will be