Cordero Santo
Marco BarrientosLyrics
Yo te alabo padre porque tú eres bueno,
I praise you, Father, because you are good,
Porque tú me has dado tu verdad.
Because you have given me your truth.
Declaraste tu grandeza a mi vida
You declared your greatness to my life
Y me diste de tu amor y libertad.
And gave me of your love and freedom.
Cordero santo hoy alabo tu grandeza,
Holy Lamb, today I praise your greatness,
Solo tú eres digno y hoy te quiero exaltar.
Only you are worthy, and today I want to exalt you.
Mi ofrenda a tí levanto y me postro ante tu altar,
I lift my offering to you and bow down before your altar,
Vengo ante tus pies para adorar.
I come before your feet to worship.
Moderated by
Francisco Torres
San José, Costa Rica
February 6, 2025
El Gran Yo Soy
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