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Dime mi niña

Tell me, my girl

Si tú eres mi casa

If you are my home

Por qué mi paso se retrasa

Why does my step delay

Y a veces no sabe volver

And sometimes doesn't know how to return

Dime mi niña

Tell me, my girl

Si tú eres mi espejo

If you are my mirror

Por que a veces mi reflejo

Because sometimes my reflection

No se asoma, no se deja ver

Doesn't appear, doesn't show itself

Serán mis melodías

Will it be my melodies

Que confirman mis heridas

That confirm my wounds

Sera mi voz

Will it be my voice

Que camina de puntillas

That walks on tiptoes

Sera mi mirada secreta

Will it be my secret gaze

Que seduce a tu dueño

That seduces your owner

Sera tu historia y la mía

Will it be your story and mine

Que vuelan tras, un mismo sueño

That fly after the same dream

Volar, volar

Fly, fly

Subir bajar contigo

Go up and down with you

Sin alas volar

Fly without wings

Volar, volar

Fly, fly

Subir bajar contigo

Go up and down with you

Sin alas volar

Fly without wings

Soy el esclavo de tu sombra

I am the slave of your shadow

La orilla de tu boca

The edge of your mouth

Tu dolor, tu medicina

Your pain, your medicine

El que te espía tras la cortina

The one who spies on you behind the curtain

Soy el riesgo de un trapecio

I am the risk of a trapeze

La penitencia y la fe

The penance and the faith

Una diana sin acierto

A target without success

Un laberinto sin pared

A labyrinth without walls

Te regale la Luna

I gave you the moon

Me sumerjo en tu laguna

I immerse myself in your lagoon

Buscando la vacuna

Looking for the vaccine

Que me devuelva la fortuna

That returns my fortune

De volar junto a ti

To fly with you

Volar, volar

Fly, fly

Subir bajar contigo

Go up and down with you

Sin alas volar

Fly without wings

Volar, volar

Fly, fly

Subir bajar contigo

Go up and down with you

Sin alas volar

Fly without wings

Tan solo yo me puedo salvar

Only I can save myself

Tan solo yo me puedo curar

Only I can heal myself

Que cambien las estaciones que cambie el plan

Let the seasons change, let the plan change

Pero que nunca cambie la meta de juntos volar

But may the goal of flying together never change

Volar, volar

Fly, fly

Subir bajar contigo

Go up and down with you

Sin alas volar

Fly without wings

Volar, volar

Fly, fly

Subir bajar contigo

Go up and down with you

Sin alas volar

Fly without wings

Volar, volar

Fly, fly

Subir bajar contigo

Go up and down with you

Sin alas volar

Fly without wings

Moderated by Paula Torres
San José, Costa Rica May 23, 2024
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