Roast Yourself Challenge Lyna

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Lyna que mal ejemplo sos

Lyna, what a bad example you are

No te importan tu suscriptores

You don't care about your subscribers

Desde que llegaste al millón

Since you reached a million

Te la creiste a montones

You believed it in heaps

Que solo te importa el dinero

That you only care about money

Y por mes te haces un canal nuevo

And every month, you start a new channel

Por eso ho ho ho

That's why ho ho ho



Que solo grita cuando habla

Who only screams when she talks

Sos toda una sobreactuada

You're a total overactor

Lyna no te puedo soportar!

Lyna, I can't stand you!

Te crees buena

You think you're good

Pero tus videos dan pena

But your videos are pathetic

Te comportas como nena

You behave like a little girl

Lyna no te puedo soportar!

Lyna, I can't stand you!

Por que no decis que es Daniel

Why don't you say it's Daniel

Si es tu novio o tu amigo

If he's your boyfriend or your friend

Desde que haces videos con el

Since you make videos with him

No me gusta tu contenido

I don't like your content

Que horrible era tu pelo teñido ho ho ho

How horrible your dyed hair was ho ho ho

Sos copia de todos sin estilo en

You're a copy of everyone without style in

Tus videos!

Your videos!



Que solo grita cuando habla

Who only screams when she talks

Sos toda una sobreactuada

You're a total overactor

Lyna no te puedo soportar!

Lyna, I can't stand you!

Te crees buena

You think you're good

Pero tus videos dan pena

But your videos are pathetic

Te comportas como nena

You behave like a little girl

Lyna no te puedo soportar!

Lyna, I can't stand you!

Para que te engañas si tu no tienes talento

Why deceive yourself if you have no talent

Te crees diva

You think you're a diva

Te ahogas en tu propio ego

You drown in your own ego

No sabes ni hablar

You can't even speak

Y aun así haces videos

And still, you make videos

Me desuscribo ya!

I unsubscribe now!

Me desuscribo ya!

I unsubscribe now!

Pero que más nos da

But what do we care

Que ellos hablen lo que hablen

Let them talk, whatever they say

Cuatro millones van

Four million are going

Y entre a los tres canales

And among the three channels

Y si me insultas

And if you insult me

Tu envidia te delata

Your envy betrays you

Por venos triunfar

For seeing us triumph

Por vernos destacar

For seeing us stand out



Que solo grita cuando habla

Who only screams when she talks

Sos toda una sobreactuada

You're a total overactor

Lyna no te puedo soportar!

Lyna, I can't stand you!

Te crees buena

You think you're good

Pero tus videos dan pena

But your videos are pathetic

Te comportas como nena

You behave like a little girl

Lyna no te puedo soportar!

Lyna, I can't stand you!

Lyna no te puedo soportar!

Lyna, I can't stand you!

Moderated by Antonio Perez
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana August 18, 2024
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