Flor Dormida
Luis Ángel MárquezLyrics
Me han contado que te ha ido mal
They have told me that things have gone bad for you
Lo has pensado bien y quieres regresar
You've thought it through and want to come back
Ya no encenderás la llama de mi amor
You won't ignite the flame of my love anymore
Oh no, ya no
Oh no, not anymore
Contra todo tuve que pelear
Against everything, I had to fight
Mil cosas amargas que experimentar
A thousand bitter things to experience
Pero ya pasó lo fuerte del ciclón
But the worst of the cyclone has passed
Y estoy mejor
And I'm better now
Sin ti yo no me moriré
Without you, I won't die
Yo te lo aseguro no me moriré
I assure you, I won't die
Aunque de rodillas ruegues no seré
Even if you beg on your knees, I won't be
Parte de tu vida
Part of your life
Sin ti yo no me moriré
Without you, I won't die
Yo te lo aseguro no me moriré
I assure you, I won't die
Aunque muerda el polvo pasarás a ser
Even if you bite the dust, you will become
Una flor dormida
A sleeping flower
Hoy la calma reina en soledad
Today, calm reigns in solitude
No hay problemas, no
No problems, no
Ni cuentas que arreglar
No accounts to settle
En mi corazón hoy tengo un lugar
In my heart, I have a place today
Que fue tuyo, pero no más
That was yours, but not anymore
Sin ti yo no me moriré
Without you, I won't die
Yo te lo aseguro no me moriré
I assure you, I won't die
Aunque de rodillas ruegues no seré
Even if you beg on your knees, I won't be
Parte de tu vida
Part of your life
Sin ti yo no me moriré
Without you, I won't die
Yo te lo aseguro no me moriré
I assure you, I won't die
Aunque muerda el polvo pasarás a ser
Even if you bite the dust, you will become
Una flor dormida
A sleeping flower
Sin ti yo no me moriré
Without you, I won't die
Yo te lo aseguro no me moriré
I assure you, I won't die
Aunque de rodillas ruegues no seré
Even if you beg on your knees, I won't be
Parte de tu vida
Part of your life
Sin ti yo no me moriré
Without you, I won't die
Yo te lo aseguro no me moriré
I assure you, I won't die
Aunque muerda el polvo pasarás a ser
Even if you bite the dust, you will become
Una flor dormida
A sleeping flower