Los juniors
Los Tucanes de TijuanaLyrics
Con escuela y con dinero
With education and money
A la moda y bien vestidos
In fashion and well-dressed
Con muy buen vocabulario
With very good vocabulary
Y en un carro deportivo
And in a sports car
No aparentan ser personas
They don't seem to be people
Que disfrutan del peligro
Who enjoy danger
Gente joven y muy valiente
Youthful and very brave people
Ni se diga enamorados
Not to mention, in love
De un status elegante
With an elegant status
Así son catalogados
That's how they are labeled
Les apodan narcojuniors
They are nicknamed narcojuniors
Por la prensa bautizados
Baptized by the press
Les achacan muchas cosas
They are accused of many things
Pero no comprueban nada
But they don't prove anything
Y lo dudo que comprueben
And I doubt they'll prove anything
Porque es gente muy pesada
Because they are heavy people
Se apalabran con billetes
They settle things with bills
Y si no, pues, con metrallas
And if not, well, with bullets
Donde quiera los narcojuniors
Wherever the narcojuniors are
Están bien reconocidos
They are well recognized
Por su gran inteligencia
For their great intelligence
Dicen que son efectivos
They say they are effective
Negocian con puro jefe
They negotiate with top bosses
Son audaces en su estilo
They are bold in their style
Una escuadra en la cintura
A squad on the waist
Y en el carro un R15
And in the car, an R15
En la sangre valentía
Courage in the blood
Y un suspiro en las narices
And a sigh in the nostrils
En la mente unos encargos
Some tasks in the mind
Solo esperando que avisen
Just waiting for a notice
Barrio Logan de San Diego
Barrio Logan in San Diego
Siempre serás number one
You will always be number one
Tienes gente muy valiosa
You have very valuable people
O sea, people de high class
That is, people of high class
Arriba todos los juniors
Up with all the juniors
Yeah, yeah, give me five
Yeah, yeah, give me five