Los Tigres del NorteLyrics
Creiste que con decirme
You believed that by telling me
aqui termina
it ends here
nuestro cariño
our affection
estaba ya terminada
it was already finished
toda la historia
the entire story
de nuestro amor
of our love
creiste que de mis besos
you believed that from my kisses
muy facilmente
very easily
te olvidaria
I would forget you
y te amargaste la vida
and you made your life bitter
por querer olvidar mi amor
trying to forget my love
por que los besos que yo te daba
because the kisses I gave you
se que te queman el alma
I know they burn your soul
y las caricias que yo te hacia
and the caresses I gave you
nunca podras olvidarlas
you will never be able to forget
creiste que era muy facil
you believed it was very easy
de un solo golpe
with a single blow
acabar conmigo
to finish with me
pero e salido triunfante
but I have triumphed
en esta dura
in this tough
prueva de amor
test of love
por que a querido
because my good luck
mi buena suerte
has wanted
darme la mano
to give me a hand
y tu que tanto reiar
and you, who laughed so much
ahora sufres por mi amor
now suffer for my love
por que los besos que yo te daba
because the kisses I gave you
se que te queman el alma
I know they burn your soul
y las caricias que yo te hacia
and the caresses I gave you
nunca podras olvidarlas
you will never be able to forget