Las Isabeles

Miguel Aceves Mejía
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Del corazon de una palma

From the heart of a palm tree

nacieron las Isabeles

The Isabels were born

delgaditas de cintura


y del corazon alegre

And with a joyful heart

Al pasar un arroyuelo

As she passed a brook

a la sombra de un laurel

In the shade of a laurel

juntaba cabellos de oro

She gathered golden hair

donde se peino Isabel

Where Isabel combed her hair

Ven querida ven

Come, my love, come

y abrazaras a mi corazon

And you'll embrace my heart

que por mucho que yo te diga

No matter how much I tell you

no hay ninguna satisfaccion

There is no satisfaction

Que bonitos dientes tienes

How beautiful your teeth are

dientes color de marfil

Teeth the color of ivory

yo me casaria contigo

I would marry you

primero por lo civil

First, in a civil ceremony

Que bonitos labios tienes

How beautiful your lips are

labios sabor a manzana

Lips with the taste of apple

si tu me correspondieras

If you would correspond to me

yo me casaria manana

I would marry tomorrow

Esta es la cancion

This is the song

es la cancion de la Isabel

It's the song of Isabel

es tan linda como una rosa

As lovely as a rose

y tan bella como un clavel

And as beautiful as a carnation

Moderated by Pedro Castro
Asunción, Paraguay July 30, 2024
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